Trilogy for the Neighbourwood

C834 Corbusierhaus Berlin
from 26.9.´21

The C834 art space in Berlin is located in the middle of Corbusier's legendary 'living machine', which programmatically followed a scheme of dimensions and proportions that puts human needs at the center of design and architecture. If one looks at this Berlin Unité not as housing but as a condensed living space with a view, Corbusier's thought, which also guided him, opens up : “Residents nevertheless have a share in the 'conditions of nature' - sun, open space, green. This is the modern city: under the sun, in wide open space, in the midst of greenery.”
Standing on the balconies of the C834, surrounded by extensive greenery, still makes these conditions tangible and creates a direct reference to the topics of the exhibitions, which want to visualize our relationship to other elements and organisms.

︎Lene Harbo Pedersen
link to C834

Birds, the first part of the trilogy, is a complex, light and subtle analysis of art with, for, about and by birds.

Björn Braun
Denise Scott Brown
Nicolò Degiorgis & Audrey Solomon
Daniela Friebel
Heinroth archive
Jochen Lempert
Angelica Mesiti
Eadweard Muybridge
Peter Piller
David Shrigley
Guillaume Simoneau
Edward Summerton
Mark Steinmetz
Cemre Yeşil &
Maria Sturm

The Outcome of the pattern /
Lothringer13 Halle

The Outcome of the pattern 1+2
1 – ongoing
Oona Doherty & Luca Truffarelli / Hayahisa Tomiyasu
curated by Jörg Koopmann
2 – altering
A small Salon for tiny and big creatures and creations
curated by Lene Harbo Pedersen
& in the wintergarden: Ann Noel / everyedition : YOU

Little Boy’s Luminous Legacies (new, clear, atomic narratives) /
Lothringer13 Halle

The exhibition Little Boys luminous legacies wants to take this into account and present various narrative and explorations of the atomic. The Atomic Age was also accompanied artistically, and so we want to focus on loose narratives and intimations, on different attempts to make the invisible visible, and explore the deep relationship to atomic technology that has shaped global industrialized nations since the 1950s, sometimes catastrophic, sometimes quite commonplace, never final.
︎Daniel Bürkner,

link to Lothringer13

Benten Clay  / Michael Danner / David Fathi / Nina Fischer & Maroan El Sani / Cornelia Hesse-Honegger / Henrik Plenge Jakobsen / Soichiro Mihara / Pieter Laurens Mol / Volker Sattel & Stefan Stefanescu / Kota Takeuchi  / Peter Tillessen  / Robert Voit  / Jane & Louise Wilson /  Ken & Julia Yonetani / Anne Zeitz & David Boureau

Die Insel der Dachhasen
Lothringer13 Halle

Martin Fengel / Tomoya Kato.
A fabulous Japanese encounter and growing formations.
The Lothringer13 Halle offers room for community, secret and lively paraphrases.
New, expansive installations emerge and open up fragile, bulky and enigmatic universes.
“Roofrabbits” meow mournful love songs, coyotes watch the planets, bears in thick sweaters pose and stones ponder the meaning of form, gravity and balance. So much for the theory. In practice, everything settles down, when Fengel-san from Munich and Kato-san from Kyoto spread and combine their latest works. Parallel realities, shared places and subtitled dialogues.

Jahresausgaben /
Ne travaillez assez, ne comptez jamais
Lothringer13 Halle

This exhibition unfolds the impact of bashful book-keeping home performances and similar borderline activities within a money-focussed and bureaucratic social system.
The moment of poetry in orderliness and the despair within a mess is the atmospheric background-noise of this group exhibition.
Allan Sekula/ Cyril Blažo/ Daniel Eatock/  Gabriele Obermaier&Ralf Homann/ Kasia Fudakowski/ M+M/ Nigel Shafran/  Peter Ravn/  Philipp Messner/ Pind/   Prill_Vieceli_Cremers/ Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt/ Stefan Weigl/ Superflex 
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