Die Irrfahrten des Jonathan Meese /
Catalog for Pinakothek der Moderne
Catalog for Pinakothek der Moderne
Curators Swantje Grundler and Bernhard Schwenk asked me to document the whole process of setting up the comprehensive exhibition for the catalog. Jonathan and his mom Brigitte were the charming center of all actions. In a dense 110 page photoseries i tried to represent the exhibition in all details, and keep Meeses posing routine peripheral. Browse here some paperback spreads and a few extra, unpublished portraits.
Design: Thomas Mayfried
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
Design: Thomas Mayfried
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Portraits for TAZ newspaper
Every now and then I was asked to do a portrait in Munich for Berlin based TAZ. Here some images from three nice encounters: Sociology professor Armin Nassehi, publisher Antje Kunstmann, writer Friedrich Ani.