Little Boy’s Luminous Legacies (new, clear, atomic narratives) /
Lothringer13 Halle
Lothringer13 Halle
The exhibition Little Boys luminous legacies wants to take this into account and present various narrative and explorations of the atomic. The Atomic Age was also accompanied artistically, and so we want to focus on loose narratives and intimations, on different attempts to make the invisible visible, and explore the deep relationship to atomic technology that has shaped global industrialized nations since the 1950s, sometimes catastrophic, sometimes quite commonplace, never final.
︎Daniel Bürkner,
link to Lothringer13
Benten Clay / Michael Danner / David Fathi / Nina Fischer & Maroan El Sani / Cornelia Hesse-Honegger / Henrik Plenge Jakobsen / Soichiro Mihara / Pieter Laurens Mol / Volker Sattel & Stefan Stefanescu / Kota Takeuchi / Peter Tillessen / Robert Voit / Jane & Louise Wilson / Ken & Julia Yonetani / Anne Zeitz & David Boureau
︎Daniel Bürkner,
link to Lothringer13
Benten Clay / Michael Danner / David Fathi / Nina Fischer & Maroan El Sani / Cornelia Hesse-Honegger / Henrik Plenge Jakobsen / Soichiro Mihara / Pieter Laurens Mol / Volker Sattel & Stefan Stefanescu / Kota Takeuchi / Peter Tillessen / Robert Voit / Jane & Louise Wilson / Ken & Julia Yonetani / Anne Zeitz & David Boureau